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Married Man Caught in a Hotel Abusing a Girl


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Why must you force someone? Is it not supposed to be a mutual agreement thing?

This unfaithful married man in the scene with the name Zanwa, was known to be a big time devil who brings series of girls to this same hotel.

But on that very day, it didn't work as he planned it. He convincingly brought another lady to the hotel, 

feeding her with many lies; that he's a rich man that has plenty of cars and investment, just to get what he want but the lady didn't buy all his strategy. So when he noticed that it ain't working out as planned, he decided to take it by force.

During the process as he was forcing the lady, she started screening and shouting so this man went and high the volume of the TV set so that no body would hear her scream.

But luckily for this innocent lady, the hotel security came to tell the man to reduce the sound of the TV set because it was also disturbing their other customers who were lodging in the hotel but this man paid deaf ears. When they listened very closely to know what was actually happening, they heard the voice of the girl shouting, so they quickly broke the door only to find this man molesting the lady; tore her clothes and was already beating her to cooperate with him.

That was just how this young lady was saved! I believe this serves as an example to all those ladies out there. If you know that you don't have anything with a man, why then will you go to see him in a hotel room?

What were you expecting to happen, Prayer section? LMFAO! So better be careful so as not to be a victim.


Married Man Caught in a Hotel Abusing a Girl Married Man Caught in a Hotel Abusing a Girl Reviewed by Unknown on 23:46 Rating: 5

Shocking Person with a female and male features caught in Ghana


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This has got to be one of the strangest things I've ever seen. It's supposedly a scene from Madina in Ghana. So this person who looks like a man (abi?), has female breast, female butt and a p*nis. And expectedly, they are calling him/her a witch/wizard.

According to the story (which I can't verify), he/she was flying (as an animal) very early in the morning around 5am but became weak and decided to rest. (this is what Ghanaians are saying). Then fell into a deep sleep only to wake up later naked & surrounded by people who had called the police.

Witnesses took photos and shared on social media.
Shocking Person with a female and male features caught in Ghana Shocking Person with a female and male features caught in Ghana Reviewed by Unknown on 23:43 Rating: 5

Promiscuous Wife Forced to Shower Outside as a Sign of Traditional Cleansing in Congo


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It has been traditional known in some rural part of Congo that whenever a lady is been caught cheating outside wedlock, some kind of cleansing must be done.

Which includes the promiscuous woman showering outside right in front of everyone, which indicates that she has totally washed off the calamity she practically engaged in, and only by then would she be forgiven and accepted back by the community. Hmmmm, it's quite a tough one.

Well, I think it's very good and a nice decision too. Atleast it would help in restricting some women to engage in such ungodly act.

The married lady in the video was a known promiscuous woman in the neighbourhood as she has been caught severely engaging with different men.. So the neighbours couldn't bear it anymore that they had to force her to embark on the cleansing....

Watch and see for yourself...

Don't forget to SHARE this video with your friends so that they would as well learn from it because Knowledge is power. 

Promiscuous Wife Forced to Shower Outside as a Sign of Traditional Cleansing in Congo Promiscuous Wife Forced to Shower Outside as a Sign of Traditional Cleansing in Congo Reviewed by Unknown on 23:38 Rating: 5

2 Married Women Caught in a Motel Cheating with a Bus Driver


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Hmmmm... Nawa oo!
The high rate of cheating in some parts of africa is becoming so alarming.

These married women who happened to be best of friends were caught in a motel with a bus driver right in the act.

The most painful part is that one of the women just got married 2 months ago, and she's already cheating on her husband.. it's really disheartening!

Thank God for an eye witness who knew 1 of their husbands.

Well, I won't stop exposing such acts until all those cheating spouses out there turn-away from their promiscuous lifestyles.

You just need to watch this video...

Can you imagine? Could this be madness or what? Was he drunk?? Or is it one of those things people do for popularity reason???

I just keep asking myself because it's really ridiculous. It got to an extent that some people now had to take him out by swapping him with another artist. Nawa ooo..
You just need to watch this! 

2 Married Women Caught in a Motel Cheating with a Bus Driver  2 Married Women Caught in a Motel Cheating with a Bus Driver Reviewed by Unknown on 23:34 Rating: 5

Female Teacher Caught with a Male Student in the School Laboratory Room


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Things really do happen everyday in the school premises; it's either the students cheating with their teachers or the students cheating with their fellow students.

The scene took place in the school lab, where a chemistry female teacher was caught cheating with her own student during break time. Rumour has it that they 've been engaged in this for a while now but nobody ever noticed until that fateful day... it all got busted when the laboratory prefect brought some junior students to help him clean up the lab during break time, not knowing that something was actually going on in the lab.

They Never knew it was going to be that easy because the teacher always lock the door with key anytime they 're inside so it would look like no one is inside but unluckily for them, the laboratory prefect has the spare key.

So it all went wrong when the young innocent prefect got the door open just to see something he never thought would ever happen, they were all flabbergasted and speechless..

The young junior students that was supposed to tidy up the lab started shouting, raising alarm so some of the teachers and principal quickly arrived at the scene only to witness the unimaginable. It was really a day to remember in the school and so sadly, the teacher and the student that were engaged in the act were finally expelled from the school so as not to corrupt the other innocent students.

I believe this serves as example to all those students who are engaged in such activities in the school, if you don't stop today, you may not have another chance to...
Just watch the video and seee for yourself!

Female Teacher Caught with a Male Student in the School Laboratory Room Female Teacher Caught  with a Male Student in the School Laboratory Room Reviewed by Unknown on 23:27 Rating: 5

More than 60 killed in ‘witch hunts


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In some parts of rural Africa suspected witches are killed and in Ogun Taraba 60 witch doctors are said to have been lynched while many more cases go unreported. The bizzare act started to occur when the cases of ritual killings have risen to the peak, the indigenes could take it no more and they took the law into their hands and began lynching them. This was much-more terrible than the aluu lynching.

More than 60 killed in ‘witch hunts  More than 60 killed in ‘witch hunts Reviewed by Unknown on 23:36 Rating: 5

See how they Caught a Woman using her Children to Steal


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Nawa o! I thought people were meant to discourage their kids from such act, why would people now manipulate their kids to steal all because of money?... So skillful of them, wow! See the way they steal things like professionals. Anyways, watch and see for yourself

See how they Caught a Woman using her Children to Steal See how they Caught a Woman using her Children to Steal Reviewed by Unknown on 23:29 Rating: 5

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